The temperature was so freezy in the morning, so lazy to get out from the warm bed...
After a own cook hot breakfast, we were heading to a small lovely town - Wanaka. There were many stopover on the journey from Fox Glacier to Wanaka.
Not far from Fox Glacier, there is a very beautiful beach set along the road. The sand is grey, cold wind, and misty. Toke some photo, and quickly get in the car... because it was so freezy!

Heading south, we are attracted by a road sign stating 'Salmon Farm'. We made a rest stop at salmon farm, have a cup of coffee and smoke salmon sandwich for our brunch....delicious desu.

Stopover at Knight Points. from here, we are facing the earth's Southern Polar.

Not far from Fox Glacier, there is a very beautiful beach set along the road. The sand is grey, cold wind, and misty. Toke some photo, and quickly get in the car... because it was so freezy!

Stopover at Knight Points. from here, we are facing the earth's Southern Polar.

The beach down there is a seal colony, my camera can't zoom that far to picture the seals.
Haast tourist information center.
Lake Wanaka (Post Card Image)

Exploring Wanaka

This restaurant served this 'Blue Cod Seafood Pizza', it is the best pizza we've ever tried. miss it!

Purple Cow Hostel

Mountaineous view on Wanaka street
View from housing area.